Join Us in creating a Future Paradise where youth thrive, communities prosper, and sustainability flourishes!
Together, we can foster pride and sow the seeds of empowerment for future generations to come!

Donate, Spread the Word, Get Involved!
For 14 years, Acta Non Verba has been at the heart of the community, inspiring young minds and fostering a brighter future through hands-on urban farming and educational programs. However, unexpected funding freezes have impacted our ability to continue this important work. Now more than ever, we need our generous supporters to help raise crucial funds to sustain ANV’s mission.
By supporting ANV’s 'Future Paradise' campaign, you provide experiential learning opportunities for young individuals, enhance the vibrancy of our community, and contribute to building a sustainable, environmentally conscious future.
Together, we can cultivate a healthier planet through urban farming and eco-friendly living. Our resilience as an organization stems from the strength of our collective community. Thank you for joining us in empowering youth with the tools and knowledge to create a better future.
Do you know:
$100,000 Replaces ANV’s Resoluté Café (Mobile Coffee Cart) and allows ANV to build a 1st class commercial kitchen at the Farm Park
$50,000 Upgrades security at 3 of our 4 farms
$30,000 Provides transportation for 200+ local Black and Brown children to attend weekly swim classes and educational field trips all summer long
$15,000 Sponsors a Cultural Exchange trip for 15 No Limit Leaders
$5,000 Provides daily breakfast, lunch, and snacks for 150 Oakland youth for one week (over the summer)
$800 Pays for 1 Week of ANV’s Award Winning Summer Camp, for 1 youth
$250 Covers Annual Stipend for 1 No Limit Leadership Intern