Send a Kid to Camp! Donate to Camp ANV's Campership Program Today!

ALL Children Deserve Safe, Fun and Educational School Breaks, Help Camp ANV Make That Happen!

Send a Kid to Camp! Donate to Camp ANV's Campership Program Today! image


raised towards $100,000 goal




Days Left

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

ALL Children Deserve Safe, Fun and Educational School Breaks, Help Camp ANV Make That Happen!

Help Camp ANV Be Accessible for ALL Children!

Camp ANV costs ~$700/child/week and we understand that many families in our communities are unable to pay during these tough economic times. ANV maintains its "No Child EVER turned away for lack of funds" policy.

With your help, Camp ANV has developed a ROBUST campership program to ensure that all children are able to attend our camps, regardless of their family's socioeconomic status.

However, in order to maintain the quality of our incredible, award winning day camp (and pay for transportation, field trips, beach days, chef-made meals, and most importantly, fair & equitable pay for our wonderful camp counselors and enrichment instructors), we needed to increase our camp pricing to more accurately reflect our costs, particularly for those families who are able to pay.

Camp ANV is asking for your help in raising $700 per child for our anticipated 11 weeks total of camp this year!
Every donation you make helps ANV maintain the quality of our programs while number of youth who need Camp ANV rises in our community with grownups needing to work extra hard during these difficult times.

Please give as generously you can.

Thanks so much!
